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LLC vs Sole Proprietorship vs S Corp: Which is Best for Your

LLC vs Sole Proprietorship vs S Corp: Which is Best for Your Small Business? We take a look at the pros and cons of each business structure to help you decide which is best for your business.

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The Limited Liability Company, or LLC, is a business entity created under state law. LLCs are popular among small business owners because they offer personal liability protection and tax benefits. LLCs can be structured in a variety of ways, and each state has its own rules and regulations. You should consult with a business attorney to determine which business entity is right for you.


There are many different types of business entities in the United States, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The most common types of business entities are sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies (LLCs), and corporations (C-corps and S-corps). This article will focus on the advantages of each type of entity.

Sole proprietorships are the simplest and most common type of business entity. They are easy to form and require very little paperwork. The biggest advantage of a sole proprietorship is that the owner has complete control over the business. The owner can make all decisions without having to consult with anyone else. Another advantage is that sole proprietorships have very few compliance requirements. The only compliance requirement for a sole proprietorship is to obtain any licenses or permits that may be required for the particular business activity.

Partnerships are similar to sole proprietorships in that they are easy to form and have few compliance requirements. The biggest advantage of a partnership is that it allows two or more people to share the risk and rewards of owning a business. Partnerships also allow for each partner to specialize in different areas, which can make the business more successful overall. However, one downside of partnerships is that partners can have disagreements about how the business should be run. If these disagreements cannot be resolved amicably, they can lead to the dissolution of the partnership.

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Limited liability companies (LLCs) combine some of the best features of both sole proprietorships and partnerships. LLCs have “pass-through” taxation like sole proprietorships, meaning that the LLC itself is not taxed on its income; instead, the owners are taxed on their share of the LLC’s income. This can provide significant tax advantages for LLC owners. LLCs also have limited liability like corporations, meaning that the owners are not personally liable for debts or lawsuits against the LLC. This protects the owners’ personal assets from being seized to pay for debts or judgments against the LLC. However, one downside of LLCs is that they may be required to file additional paperwork with their state governments in order to maintain their limited liability status.

Corporations (C-corps) are more complex than other business entities but they offer certain advantages that other entities do not provide. One advantage of corporations is that they have “double taxation” – meaning that corporation’s income is taxed at both the corporate level and at the shareholder level when profits are distributed as dividends. This can provide significant tax advantages for shareholders who are in high tax brackets. Another advantage of corporations is that shareholders have limited liability – meaning they are not personally liable for debts or lawsuits against the corporation (except in cases of fraud). This protects shareholders’ personal assets from being seized to pay for debts or judgments against the corporation


There are some potential disadvantages to consider before forming an LLC, including:

-Forming an LLC is typically more expensive and time-consuming than forming a sole proprietorship or partnership.
-LLCs are subject to more government regulation than other business structures.
-LLCs may be required to pay state and federal taxes, as well as self-employment taxes.
-Members of an LLC may be personally liable for debts and obligations of the LLC.

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Sole Proprietorship

The main advantage of a sole proprietorship is that it’s simple and inexpensive to establish. There is no need to file any paperwork with the state or federal government. You also have complete control over the business and all decision making.


As the simplest business structure, a sole proprietorship has a number of advantages:

-Ease of formation: A sole proprietorship is easy to form since there are few legal requirements. All you need to do is get a business license and register your business with the government, if required.

-Flexibility: A sole proprietor has complete control over their business and can make decisions quickly and easily. They can also change the direction of their business at any time.

-Lower costs: A sole proprietorship requires less paperwork and fewer legal fees than other business structures. This can save you money when you’re first starting out.


There are a few disadvantages to consider when Sole Proprietorship:
-Unlimited liability. Your business and personal assets are at risk in the event your business is sued.
-You may have difficulty raising capital. Investors are often more willing to invest in businesses with multiple owners.
-You may have trouble finding talented employees. As a one-person business, you may have trouble competing with larger businesses for top talent.

S Corp

When it comes to business entities, there are a lot of options to choose from. LLCs, sole proprietorships, and S Corps are all popular choices. But which one is best for your business? In this article, we’ll be comparing LLCs, sole proprietorships, and S Corps to help you decide which one is right for you.

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As we already mentioned, the most significant advantage of an S Corp is that it can save you a lot of money on taxes. Because your business income is only taxed once (at the shareholder level), you can avoid the double taxation that typically occurs with other business structures.

In addition to lowered taxes, an S Corp gives you the personal liability protection of a corporation. This means that if your company is sued, your personal assets (e.g., your home, your car, your savings account) are protected from seizure. Basically, if you’re sued as an S Corp shareholder, the worst that can happen is that you lose your investment in the company — but nothing beyond that.

Another advantage of an S Corp is that it can make it easier to attract investors and raise capital. For example, let’s say you want to sell shares of your company to raise money for expansion. If you’re operating as a sole proprietorship or partnership, you might have a hard time finding investors because they’ll be exposed to personal liability. But if you’re an S Corp, selling shares is much easier because investors know their personal assets are protected in case something goes wrong.


S Corp status has a few potential drawbacks for business owners, including:

1. You must comply with strict IRS rules.
2. You may be subject to double taxation.
3. You may have to give up some control of your company.

Here's How To Create An LLC in Just Minutes!

*This applies to Ohio residents too!

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